Orange 9020 hf vet Generator

A compact, lightweight X-ray unit that is very popular in hippiatry. Reliable and high performance. It can be used in the surgery, combined with the veterinary table, as an alternative to the monobloc or for home applications.
It is an economical and powerful unit specially used for home examinations, e.g. on horses for routine sales procedures.

Orange 9020 hf vet Generator

Ideal for home use on large animals or for veterinary surgeries.
Small size and light weight are key for versatile use in different situations, from stables to horse racing.


The kV and mAs selectors have adopted a rotary switching system for quick and easy selection of all values.
The APR switch stores up to 8 examination presets and corresponding exposure data (kV / mAs) to avoid the time-consuming task of reporting this data each time on the X-ray table.

Orange 9020 hf vet Generator


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